Very, very early this morning, Dolly went into a barking fit. Since Steve was up, I just let her bark until she couldn't bark anymore. It worked!
After she was quiet, I snuck into the kitchen. I was very surprised. Steve had told me CoCo had gone under the kitchen table (her usual trick to get a treat). It is almost Halloween, but her Halloween lasts 365 days! He told me he was leaving her there and didn't have the time to get her out. He still doesn't get the game. In CoCo's mind, the game is: I go under the table, and you give me a treat to get me out! Imagine my surprise when I found her back in the kitchen on her pillow. She had climbed back into bed after he left! I had to call him and tell him - she is such a mess!
Then, I go into the utility room to see Belles and Dolly. As usual, Belles darts out the gate the moment it is open (another thing to work on). Belles is a free spirit and wants the run of the house! As I thought, Dolly was calling me to clean up her pen. They will call when they figure out your job title is DOLLY'S MAID. First, we have to hug. We hug on the left side, then the right side. Usually, I get a bite on the left ear. The right side is the best. She gets up to my neck and gets so close. I'm afraid she is going to go over my shoulder. Lily Sweetpea and I did this too! They are so limber at this stage and so warm against your body. It is so hard to put her down, but I do and she parades around the floor with the little puppy walk and scamper while I pick up the papers in the pen. Then, she finds the small knee-hi on the crate and starts tugging. This doesn't hold her interest long. Next, she has decided to tackle the wire basket sitting on top of a carton. It holds all kinds of treasures. Today, she decides to pick her own toy from the crate, and she chooses a football! She takes it to the mat near the door and spreads out (legs flat on the ground in the frog position) and squeeks it a bit. Now, she decides to eat the flexi-glass protecting the drying rack corner. Then, she is off again to find another toy (while I continue to clean her pen).
After my cleaning is complete, I put her back in the pen for awhile. Steve has already let her run in the backyard before he left.
As I get into my bedroom, I start to wonder. Yes, Belles is on top of my bed! The most cherished spot in the house!
Chase is let outside while Tazz stays in bed. Of course, Belles has to go out again with him, just to check out the outdoor status! In a few seconds, I hear Belles knocking at the door to get back into the house. There she goes - back to the bed! Chase finally gets back and the house settles down for awhile (only a minute).
Oops, I forgot to feed Dolly and hear a strange noise coming from her pen. She has a grip on her plastic bottle! As soon as the food bits rattle in Dolly's food sack, I feel someone down at my feet. It is Belles who is always ready to eat!
And I have to say, Dolly has gate manners at 14 weeks (unlike her mother)!
Now, Tazz is talking to me and ready to get up! Every morning, she gets up and does her yoga stretches! This morning she is determined to break into Dolly's crate beside me to steal her bone! Her nose is working overtime this morning around the crate. Finally, she determines that bone has been moved (dogs never forgot). She goes over to the carpet, turns on her back, and wiggles all over the carpet. Her morning routine before going outside. Oops, I forgot the rest of the routine. I go and stand behind her thinking this will get her moving. She flops onto her side to get her tummy rubbed before heading out. Chase is at the door waiting. I let him out (again) and finally Tazz goes into the cool, brisk, morning air! Chase never misses a chance to go outside and lift his leg, but he is a house dog and comes back in very quickly!
It is 7:45AM, so I might was well let Belles and Dolly out now. The construction workers are starting to show up to finish a house in the cul-de-sac. After the Armadillo the other day, I want to make sure everyone is already up and going before letting too many dogs out.
As I let Dolly out, I noticed her coat was changing. She has more silver coming into her dark body!
7:56AM - I hear Tazz with the rest of her morning routine. She is screaming at the pine tree. Not really, but at the squirrels who drive her crazy. Belles is starting to fall into this pattern, but she doesn't really scream yet. She just jumps up and down like a pogo stick.