My friend brought Diesel home in October 2012. He was born in August 2012. He had 10 puppies in his litter! His pedigree shows he comes from Champions.
While he was growing up, I took puppy pictures of him (I will continue to post pictures of him.) We thought his color would be silver. At this time, he has silver, cream, and black tips in his coat. He came to visit around May 14, 2013. He was such a good little boy for living in his own special breeding house. He only had one accident in the house. He loved our attention and getting loved. Diesel and Belles stayed in the utility room together. He loved being near Belles and would become upset if she had to go outside without him. He is use to being around other Cairns and hasn't really been alone except for his private room in his breeding house. He was very timid about playing in our fence. He followed me everywhere. After about two days, he started wondering through the yard by himself. He had a good time playing with our Cairns!
More pictures of baby Diesel coming soon!
While he was growing up, I took puppy pictures of him (I will continue to post pictures of him.) We thought his color would be silver. At this time, he has silver, cream, and black tips in his coat. He came to visit around May 14, 2013. He was such a good little boy for living in his own special breeding house. He only had one accident in the house. He loved our attention and getting loved. Diesel and Belles stayed in the utility room together. He loved being near Belles and would become upset if she had to go outside without him. He is use to being around other Cairns and hasn't really been alone except for his private room in his breeding house. He was very timid about playing in our fence. He followed me everywhere. After about two days, he started wondering through the yard by himself. He had a good time playing with our Cairns!
More pictures of baby Diesel coming soon!