Worked in the garden again to defeat the 8 paw Cairn digging! I'll post pics later. Unfortunately, they continually have fun digging up my gardens with beach sand on this side of Tyler!
Came in and had to get a bath! So, dirty and hot! I continued to hear thunder, but nothing.
When I got out, it was pouring down. Went in to talk to Steve and the puppies went wild. They heard my voice and told me to get in there and give them some food! Unfortunately, when they were eating, I was on cleanup duty again! I just cannot keep up with them!
Dinner was served and pooped was thrown out! Nice clean moving papers were put down. They love the sound they make! They are just hopping and tearing them up!
Picked each one up. Sweetpea was last! After I kissed her cute little head, it was awful. She must have rolled over in something! Yuck! How could the sweet little dainty one do that to me?
If Maggie could reach my jugular, she would go for it! Fortunately, I only have cuts all over my hands from her. Then, Sweet little Sweetpea started pulling Maggie's act! Oh no!
It really is hard at this stage to reach in and just get one. Steve accidentally pulled up Maggie who was latched onto his hand the other day with other puppy. Beware when you come to get your puppy!