11-06-13 Things are Being Shredded and Stolen and Misplaced

Something strange has been happening in my bathroom the last few days.  I continue to  find my towels on the floor.  Now, I know I put them on the towel bar each day after my shower.  I have a funny feeling someone in my bathroom has been playing with them when I leave her alone!

What leads me to this conclusion?

On Monday, I saw Steve's shirt draped over on outdoor chair.  He had worked on the sprinkler system until dark, and I guess he forgot to get it into the house.  Before I could go out and get it for him, I found it on the ground with a hole in the near the cuff of his shirt.

I had a Kleenex on the sofa on Tuesday while loving and sitting by someone.  I was up for a minute and the Kleenex had been shredded.

We have been finding socks which were placed up high in someone's mouth lately.

I had a pillowcase which hadn't dried fully in the dryer last night.  I didn't want to disturb CoCo and Belles in the utility room again, so I just put it over something to dry last night.  She saw it as she was going out the door this morning.

I have even found someone inside Chase'e bed having a grand time trying to rip it to shreds.

When we are on the sofa, she loves sinking her teeth into the blankets!

Tazz's white rabbit has gone outside.  By itself?  I think not!