11-02-13 Happy 16 Week Birthday Kids!

What was the experiment?  How long would it take a puppy (not being trained) to want to go potty outside by themselves?

About 4:30 or 5:00AM, Dolly woke up, and whined.  She is in my bathroom now, so I didn't acknowledge her.  Then, I heard Steve.  So, I waited.  At 7:30AM, a very sharp bark came from the bathroom.  I immediately took Dolly outside, and she did her #1 in the grass.  I let her follow me in the house to get a treat, then we went back outside.  She did her #2.  This was the first day of her wanting to do everything outside by herself and on her terms.

She is 16 weeks today!

I just saw her streak through the shrubs for her first Cairn Run!  Too funny!