
Today, Dolly finally accomplished a rollover (wasn't sure it was actually going to happen)!  I say finally - we had only worked on it once before.  I roll them over and over after they open their eyes.  I'm just hoping this would help them orient quickly.  I have probably waited too late to make it easier on myself with Dolly.  She is stubborn and doesn't want to ROLLOVER.  We also work on SHAKE PAWS and BEG.

Some of the dogs will naturally gravitate toward a command and probably do it on their own.  Flopsie just begged on her own.  I tried to get Chase to show Dolly how to ROLLOVER.  She never took her eyes off the treat to watch Chase, so I gave up that idea.  Tazz watched CoCo act and PLAY DEAD.  Tazz became very stubborn and only learned SIT, DOWN, and SHAKE.  Of course, I had medical problems with her and didn't push her much.  But one day, Tazz just PLAYED DEAD.  I couldn't believe my eyes.  They say dogs learn from each other - I thought it only applied to BARKING!  But Tazz had incentive.  She wanted a treat!  She saw what CoCo did for a treat, and she decided to try to on me.  It worked because I gave her all kinds of treats!  I was so proud of her learning a new command!

Looks like Dolly is going to have good concentration like Grandma CoCo!  After a hard 10 minutes of commands, Dolly finally accomplished a ROLLOVER!  Yeah!  The next ones were so much easier !!

DOWN is the hardest command for a dog to submit themselves to do.  This is the reason I teach them early - before they go to their permanent homes !

10-30-13 Dolly

I  believe the Dolly alarm went off at 5AM today.

She loves going out with the BIG DOGS and being a BIG DOG.  She can hold her own against them.  We are approaching the magical 16th week when Dolly will get her BIG DOG shots and be fully immunized!  Yeah!  Finally it is here!

For the last two weeks, the poop in the pen has decreased.  She is growing up and doesn't like to see poop in her living space!  Dolly still lives in her pen which is moved to various rooms.  After the weekend, I have moved her back into the master bedroom.  Maybe that was a mistake due to the early Dolly alarm.  Of course, I don't think I can win because Steve gets up early anyway, and she will want breakfast by 5:30AM.

At this time, she loves sinking her teeth into anything soft.  She is trying to destroy the pillows I have made for the dogs.  No way!  She has started to play with the soft toys more at this point, but still loves to destroy a plastic water bottle!

I have sent Belles into the bathroom to wear her down - if it can be done!  Belles just loves torturing Dolly and Dolly loves torturing Belles.  Actually, it helps wear down Belles.  Belles has so much new energy after giving birth - very strange.

It is raining today and those are the worst days when they "pups" cannot get out to play.  Of course, it is a nice down to love, snuggle, and train!

I look at Dolly, and I think in by December she will be 6 months old.  This means she would have reached her mature size.  It is interesting to see her and Belles together at this stage.

She has decided to try out an antler bone.  I like to get these larger than the dog - like rest of the bones I purchase.  I think this helps prevent swallowing accidents.

Went to the gym.  When we came back, Dolly had redecorated her pen!


Very, very early this morning, Dolly went into a barking fit.  Since Steve was up, I just let her bark until she couldn't bark anymore.  It worked!

After she was quiet, I snuck into the kitchen.  I was very surprised.  Steve had told me CoCo had gone under the kitchen table (her usual trick to get a treat).   It is almost Halloween, but her Halloween lasts 365 days!  He told me he was leaving her there and didn't have the time to get her out.  He still doesn't get the game.  In CoCo's mind, the game is:  I go under the table, and you give me a treat to get me out!  Imagine my surprise when I found her back in the kitchen on her pillow.  She had climbed back into bed after he left!  I had to call him and tell him - she is such a mess!

Then, I go into the utility room to see Belles and Dolly.  As usual, Belles darts out the gate the moment it is open (another thing to work on).  Belles is a free spirit and wants the run of the house!  As I thought, Dolly was calling me to clean up her pen.  They will call when they figure out your job title is DOLLY'S MAID.   First, we have to hug.  We hug on the left side, then the right side.  Usually, I get a bite on the left ear.  The right side is the best.  She gets up to my neck and gets so close.  I'm afraid she is going to go over my shoulder.  Lily Sweetpea and I did this too!  They are so limber at this stage and so warm against your body.  It is so hard to put her down, but I do and she parades around the floor with the little puppy walk and scamper while I pick up the papers in the pen.   Then, she finds the small knee-hi on the crate and starts tugging.  This doesn't hold her interest long.  Next, she has decided to tackle the wire basket sitting on top of a carton.  It holds all kinds of treasures.  Today, she decides to pick her own toy from the crate, and she chooses a football!  She takes it to the mat near the door and spreads out (legs flat on the ground in the frog position) and squeeks it a bit.  Now, she decides to eat the flexi-glass protecting the drying rack corner.  Then, she is off again to find another toy (while I continue to clean her pen).

After my cleaning is complete, I  put her back in the pen for awhile.  Steve has already let her run in the backyard before he left.

As I get into my bedroom, I start to wonder.  Yes, Belles is on top of my bed!  The most cherished spot in the house!

Chase is let outside while Tazz stays in bed.  Of course, Belles has to go out again with him, just to check out the outdoor status!  In a few seconds, I hear Belles knocking at the door to get back into the house.  There she goes - back to the bed!  Chase finally gets back and the house settles down for awhile (only a minute).

Oops, I forgot to feed Dolly and hear a strange noise coming from her pen.  She has a grip on her plastic bottle!  As soon as the food bits rattle in Dolly's food sack, I feel someone down at my feet.  It is Belles who is always ready to eat!

And I have to say, Dolly has gate manners at 14 weeks (unlike her mother)!

Now, Tazz is talking to me and ready to get up!  Every morning, she gets up and does her yoga stretches!  This morning she is determined to break into Dolly's crate beside me to steal her bone!  Her nose is working overtime this morning around the crate.  Finally, she determines that bone has been moved (dogs never forgot).  She goes over to the carpet, turns on her back, and wiggles all over the carpet.  Her morning routine before going outside.  Oops, I forgot the rest of the routine.  I go and stand behind her thinking this will get her moving.  She flops onto her side to get her tummy rubbed before heading out.  Chase is at the door waiting.  I let him out (again) and finally Tazz goes into the cool, brisk, morning air!  Chase never misses a chance to go outside and lift his leg, but he is a house dog and comes back in very quickly!

It is 7:45AM, so I might was well let Belles and Dolly out now.  The construction workers are starting to show up to finish a house in the cul-de-sac.  After the Armadillo the other day, I want to make sure everyone is already up and going before letting too many dogs out.

As I let Dolly out, I noticed her coat was changing.  She has more silver coming into her dark body!

7:56AM - I hear Tazz with the rest of her morning routine.  She is screaming at the pine tree.  Not really, but at the squirrels who drive her crazy.  Belles is starting to fall into this pattern, but she doesn't really scream yet.  She just jumps up and down like a pogo stick.


Well, you never know what is going to happen.  Just saw Tazz and CoCo in the garden.  I knew something was happening due to their body language!

Then, I saw CoCo emerge with something in her mouth.  I thought it was a snake.  She took it into the yard and just sat by it - protecting it.

I knew I would need the shovel, so out I go to the garage.  When I reached CoCo, I was surprised.  It was a huge frog!  She tried to take it away, but I grunted at her and put the shovel down to block her.

FYI - I try and take a picture of all their kills!  I'm sure you don't want to see it.  But you don't want them to eat their kill because they can get sick from eating it.

Dolly is so good!  I call her, and she comes to the door.  She surprised me today.  She walked right into the utility room and looked up to the place where I keep her treats!  When you call the dogs, call them in a happy voice.  First, you will want to meet them at the door with a treat.  Then, they will know where you keep the treats and go right to them!

Before this, Belles was tackling Dolly.  I opened the door and asked Dolly if she wanted to come into the house.  She just looked at me and went back to wrestling!

Last week, I noticed Dolly looking at my shoes on the porch.  She has tried to put them in her mouth.  I just grunt at her, and she backs off.  I have decided to start putting my shoes up because I think it is a great temptation for her, and I don't want her to start chewing socks or shoes.

Video:  I'm going to post the video of Dolly helping me dust the house.

10-19-13 Stopped By to See Lily Sweetpea

Lilly's mom says she is pulling on pants.  Guess what?  Dolly started last week jumping up and trying to get my attention by catching my cropped pants in her mouth.  With long pants, she just sinks her teeth into my pants.

I have noticed more teeth activity lately.  I have been giving her more "popsicles" because her new teeth are probably starting to come into her beautiful mouth!

Trying to get the pictures ready to publish.

10-12-13 Dolly

Well, I looked away for a second and Dolly was out the fence again on the driveway.  Then, I had her reenact the escape when I ran the camcorder.  Called her and she came back into the fence - the way she had left the yard.

In the humidity, I started erecting a small plastic fence for her.  Then, I let her out again.  I wasn't finished, but wanted to see what she would do.  She just found another point of escape.  Just as I thought -- very smart girl!

I wasn't able to finish due to thunder and lightening, and she wasn't able to get out to play.

I did start teaching her how to SHAKE today!  I hope by tomorrow she knows the command!

She likes to wonder around my bathroom, but I have caught her in my closet (chip off the old block).  Belles will just push the door with her nose


Well, Dolly and I have had an interesting morning.

After my walk, I went out to play ball with the Cairns.  Actually, CoCo is the only one who wants to chase down the ball.  Belles likes to jump for the ball.  Tazz likes to tackle CoCo when she gets the ball.  Dolly wants to strut with the felt of the ball, and Chase ignores us!

I hadn't groomed Chase before everyone picked up their puppy thinking I might need to demonstrate different grooming techniques.  It didn't happen, and now he hasn't been able to see.  Or we haven't been able to see his eyes - which is the first rule of training!

I picked up a new grooming apron and was taking out of the package.  Before I had finished, part of the apron was moving across the porch in Dolly's mouth - the apron ties!  On this apron you couldn't just throw the loop over your neck, so while I was trying to tie it the whole apron was leaving me.

Next, Dolly decided she needed to turn over the trash can and take the trash out!

Dolly was great for about 30 minutes while working on Chase.  I kept calling her, and she kept coming to me.  Then, she didn't come.  Where was she?  Then, Belles starts barking at the driveway, and I saw a black blog running around the driveway.  She I rush to the garage doors.  By the time, the doors are up, there she is climbing back into the fence!  See they don't want to be away from their family, and Belles was a very watchful Mother.  Dolly is back in the house - in her pen - until I can put more fencing up!

Oh, the other thing Dolly was doing this morning was tugging on my pants when she wanted to get my attention!

10-10-13 Dolly Status

Yesterday was manual labor day!

I was finally able to cut the shrubs by the curb in the front yard cut.  Then, I pulled everything out of my closet to  clean the floor from the closet to my bathroom.

I finally finished putting everything back into the closet around 11PM last night.  Before that, I moved Dolly from the utility room to the master bathroom.  If I'm not outside, I spend my time learning this new computer (in my bedroom).  So, I moved her into the bathroom, so I could talk to her and she could see me when we aren't outside.

Today, she is so funny.  I held her up, and she squeezes next to my neck and rests on my shoulder.  She has done this for awhile.  Yesterday, it was cool, and it was so nice to have her warm little body next to me.

She was really still this morning.  Then, I thought about what she was doing.  She could see herself in the mirror.  She was mesmerized!

Last night,  she slept alone for the first time.  When Sweetpea (Lily) left, Belles slept with her in the utility room for 4 nights (on her own pillow).  Dolly did great after she settled down.  I thought she might be hungry.  I had taken her off most food.  So, I fed her some Hill's I/D for the digestive tract.  Then, the teeth came out!  Those teeth are still sharp!  They love to get your hands on their molars where they can bite down.  I'm pretty experienced with puppies and their teeth, so they aren't able to do that to me.  But last night, she was wild.  Maybe, this is what lead to the pumpkin fiasco!  So, I gave her some ice cubes.  After she finished, she went to sleep.  Now, we have broken the bond of someone has to sleep with her!

We played on the bathroom floor the other night.  When I leave her in their by herself with another dog, she knows to go to her potty pad.  She doesn't torture the potty pad either because she has her space and isn't mad at the world!

It can be really tough growing up!  They are cute, but can have tempers and be a little messy!

On Sunday, she ate a pumpkin stem and got sick (3 days of diarrhea).  She was well all day Wednesday!  Everything goes into their mouths!

Well, the dogs have found their morning squirrel to tell it to go back home, so I need to get out there and calm them down!  It seems to be a ritual with this squirrel every morning!

Even though Belles is very well trained to come into the house when called, I still have to call her several times when a squirrel is involved!  Tazz won't come because we lived in an apartment and didn't learn to COME on commmand (she is very stubborn).  The first thing I teach the puppies at a house is COME!

This is great.  I can get to my washer and dryer so much easier now!

Dolly and I are going to try and get pictures of her in the white azaleas this week or weekend (or may need Steve's help)!

Dolly has two new toys.  She found a treasure in the backyard called a Pine Cone, and it was just the right size for her little mouth.  She was just strutting around with it hanging to one side of her mouth.

Now, she is running around with one of CoCo's tennis balls hanging out her mouth.  You see - it is much easier to carry around because CoCo ripped the felt off the ball.  Dolly only has to hold onto the felt which is much easier!  She is so smart and funny!

I don't know how she got wet again, but within a few minutes of going outside she was.  Yesterday, she went through the sprinkler!  Of course, it doesn't take long to dry out again!

Gardening - It looks like I have finally won against the paws!  I have figured out how to defeat them from tearing up my gardens and digging!  Lets see - how many years did that take and how many tries! New products always help - don't get up - ever!

This week she has figured out how to move her water bowl without dumping the water!  I have used the water bowls to hold down the rug in her pen.  I have realized the way to defeat them now, but will have to save it for the next litter!

I'm finally started today making Dolly sit for her meals.  I should have done this earlier, but she has had a lot to go through with everyone leaving before she finds her new home.

Dolly went to the vet today.  She was a brave girl again!

She is getting a little silver on her nose which is lightening her face up a bit.

New But Old - Dolly has a good time playing with an old towel.  Then, we tried the laser pointer, but she hasn't figured that out yet.

10-01-13 The Girls

Belles still goes and counts the kids in the pens each morning!

I was talking to Amanda last night about Zoey.  Zoey is tearing up her potty pad, but manages to potty/poop on the part which isn't torn up!

This morning, I forgot (again) to remove my partition between their pens.  I noticed someone had carefully placed their poop on their flat animal!  These kids are so smart!

When I removed the partition, both girls went over to the other side and did their potties!  They are holding it and know not to go in their pens.  They really haven't since the other kids left (less laundry), but actually watching them several times now affirms they know what they are doing at 11 weeks!

I just love watching them and seeing them make decisions!

Seems construction has hit the cup-de-sac.  It seems three houses are doing something at their places.  This is great because the girls can be exposed to loud noises.  Nothing bothers Dolly.  It is great for Sweet pea to have her around because when Sweet pea becomes fixated on the noise, Dolly is there to tackle her and draw her out.  Sweet pea's tail is down and Dolly's is up!

It has been really great to still have the two girls.  They entertain each other in the backyard and never try to get out of the fence.  I'll have to watch Dolly more when Sweet pea lives after this weekend.

Just had an update on Zoey.  Mom says, "She's getting really good at sitting!!"