
Well, we were up bright and early this morning.  At 3:30AM, I heard someone making sounds like they were choking.  When I got to their pen, nothing.

So, it was time to get to work and clean up.  Time to change the sheets (of paper) and get breakfast cooked for the kids!  They seemed hungry and knew they hadn't eaten all their food from last night.   I went ahead and gave them breakfast.

Went back to bed - not to sleep!  At 6:30AM, I heard  feet running back and forth in the pens and crunching and crackling paper!   They were having a great time!  I thought - this is a bad sign - Do I really want to go in there?

Answer:  I better or it could get worse!  It wasn't too bad, but I'm running out of my packing paper (which will be an errand today - get another large stack)!  Thank goodness, I have the two end rolls I picked up from the newspaper office!   I did learn they were cheap, but not consistent when or how many they will have.  Seems everyone in town knows about getting paper there - for moving, kids to paint on, puppies to potty on, etc!

They were out of breathe when I arrived at the pen and grinning!  Just having early morning fun!  They are more active and playing more together now!

I cleaned up and and gave them a little more food (see what happens when you get off schedule) - more work!

All of a sudden, I felt myself being pulled toward the pen.  I looked down and there was Hello Dolly with her teeth in my nightgown tugging me toward her!  I'm going to have to watch that girl.  She loves being picked up and getting attention!

Belles comes in every morning to count the kids.  She walks around the pen both ways to make sure everyone is fine.

I went back into to look at them.  I had given them some torn paper to play with on their carpet end.  Do you know someone had placed a poof on the carpet end on a little piece of paper!  Incredible!  They understand just having a problem staying out of the wrong end of the pen. Debra thought they might be hot.  So, I put a fan on them.

When they were in the Utility room, I thought also.  I have a ceiling fan I turned on, but it didn't make any difference.  I cannot explain the 5.  They just like laying on the paper instead of the carpet which is exact opposite of the other litters.